The Geopolitical Role of Specific Intellectual Currents in the Middle East in Regional Security
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The history of political groups and political parties in the Islamic world, especially in the Middle East, is rooted in Islamic thought and its affiliations over the past few hundred years, so that after the Ottoman period we see these ideas and their transformation into political parties and groups. The most important part of the developments in the Middle East takes place in the Islamic world. From 1918 to the Treaty of Lausanne in 1921, they were practically an integral part of the Ottoman Empire. However, with the arrival of nationalist ideas and serious concepts, including the nation-state, the country, the party, etc., a new trend in the intellectual development of Muslims was formed. Islamic intellectuals and nationalism intellectuals and groups in the Middle East While the formation of both ideology and organization was affiliated to the West, However, these events for the first time made the Western world realize that the Islamic world is something beyond the Ottoman Empire. The formation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Islamic groups in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran showed that the Islamic world in the Middle East is changing. Therefore, in this article, with a descriptive-analytical and quasi-Delphi approach, it is explained the structural and functional evolution of the intellectual and political currents of the region and pathology in the form of a conceptual model.
Quarterly of Geography (Regional Planing), Volume:10 Issue: 1, 2020
1051 to 1069
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