Effect of different dust materials on fruitset and morphological traits of pistachio Ohadi cultivar

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Dust storms are natural events that occurred in the worldwide, especially in dry and hot regions. Dusts reduced the yield through deposition on plant organs. Therefore, the experiment was conducted in block completely randomized design with three replications to evaluate the growth and development of “Ohadi” pistachio fruit in commercial orchard in Rafsanjan. The treatments were control (without dust spray), farm soil, Kaolin and cement which applied by dust spray. Number of fruit set, means of fresh and dry weight of one hundred nuts, means of dry weight of one hundred kernels, the percentage of blankness fruit and nut splitting were determined. The obtained results showed that different dust depositions were not significant on flower formation at full bloom. However, they decreased fruit number at one and three months after full bloom, means of fruit weight with and without cluster, means of fresh and dry weight of one hundred nuts, means of dry weight of one hundred kernels, the percentage of nut splitting in comparison with control. Dusts increased the percentage of blankness in comparison with control. Kaolin was recognized the best treatments that showed the lowest negative effect on determined attributes. It revealed the lowest blankness in Ohadi pistachio. The percentage of blankness fruit was enhanced in soil farm and cement treatments in compared with control. In general, prolonged remaining of dust particles on the plant’s gas exchange surfaces causes significant changes in the morphological traits which can reduce the pistachio yield.Dusts increased the percentage of blankness in comparison with control. Kaolin was recognized the best treatments that showed the lowest negative effect on determined attributes. It revealed the lowest blankness in Ohadi pistachio. The percentage of blankness fruit was enhanced in soil farm and cement treatments in compared with control. In general, prolonged remaining of dust particles on the plant’s gas exchange surfaces causes significant changes in the morphological traits which can reduce the pistachio yield.

Journal of Pistachio Science and Technology, Volume:4 Issue: 8, 2020
94 to 104
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Zare، Maryam
    Author (3)
    Zare, Maryam
    .Ph.D shiraz, University of Shirazu, شیراز, Iran
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