Comparison of evolutionary process of practice in Wushu athletes at Various Levels of Competition
researchs about learning sports skills, play a vital role in professional practice has highlighted. The goal of current research is to compare history of expertise exercise practices between national and provincial wushu medalists.
To this end, 50 wushu medalists (30 medalists at the country level and 20 medalists at the provincial level) were selected using available and purposive sampling methods. The age of beginning and the amount of wushu exercises, other sports exercises, physical fitness exercises and mental and psychological fitness exercises of wushu practitioners and the amount of social support were recorded using the Hopwood (2013) developmental history of athletes questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using independent t-test, ANCOVA, and the phi coefficient.
The findings of this study showed that the only difference was observed between the provincial and national medalists in terms of the amount of using wushu private training programs, bodybuilding and mental skills private training programs has been the age of 16 years.
The results of this study showed that it is not necessary at an early age to do play and deliberate practice in sports that peak performance is late.