The Effect of Residents' Satisfaction on Tourism Destination on Oral Advertising by Mediating Place Attachment and Destination Interaction in Domestic Tourist Attraction(Study of tourists in Masouleh and Castle of Rudkhan)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the residents 'satisfaction with the word-of-mouth advertising through the variables of destination identity, attachment to the destination, emotional attachment to the destination, social bonding, memory of the destination and expectation of the residents' destination in Masouleh and Ghaleh Rudkhan tourism areas. . The present study is a descriptive survey in terms of purpose and method of research. Inferential data analysis using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and KMO and Bartlett's Spearman's test for determining internal consistency of the instrument were used to determine sample size and factor separation accuracy and to determine causal relationship between variables using structural equation modeling method. Findings showed that tourists' satisfaction with destination has a positive and significant effect on destination identity, attachment to destination, emotional attachment to destination, social bond, memory of destination and expectation of destination; and also, destination identity, attachment to destination, attachment Destination emotions, social bonding, memory of destination and expectation of destination affect word-of-mouth advertising. According to the model coefficients of the model, this research has the power to predict 518% of the variance of word-of-mouth advertising related to place. Also, tourists 'satisfaction with the destination is able to predict 33% of the changes in attachment to the place, and tourists' satisfaction with the destination can predict 168% of the changes in interaction with the place. Interaction with location has the ability to predict 422 percent of the variation in word-of-mouth advertising.
Assessing the sustainability of rural settlements around the city of Urmia (South Nazlo Chai village)
Majid Parishan, *, Valiollah Nazari, Farzaneh Zamani
Journal of Urban Peripheral Development, -
Monitoring the potentials of small towns in tourism development (Case study: Harris County)
Yousef Darvishi *, , Mohammadhassan Yosefi
Journal of Geographical Engineering of Territory,