The Spread of Islamic Culture in Southeastern Europe (the Balkans)
The Islamic culture and civilization in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe) has a long history of over one thousand years. A review of the history of Islam and Islamic movements in the Balkans, recognition of ethnic groups and races, analysis of the status of Muslims in the region, assessment of the new developments in Islamic countries in the Balkan region, understanding and examining the socio-cultural and religious challenges in the Balkans; the opportunities and threats in scientific and cultural areas in the region and other issues are some important areas that need to be studied and scrutinized so that they can be used to expand Islamic culture and modernize Islamic civilization in the Balkan region. This article seeks to answer the question: What is the history of Islamic culture and civilization in the Balkans and what are the key factors that led to their expansion? The research findings were based on descriptive-analytical method relying on library resources and field research and surveys to illustrate the special position of Islamic culture and its role in the civilization of the region in the past and present.