1. Tóth B, Szatmári G, Takács K, Laborczi A, Makó A, Rajkai K, et al. Mapping soil hydraulic properties using random forest based pedotransfer functions and geostatistics. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 2019;23(6):2615-35.2. McNeill S, Lilburne L, Carrick S, Webb T, Cuthill T. Pedotransfer functions for the soil water characteristics of New Zealand soils using S-map information. Geoderma. 2018;326:96-110.3. Rao K, Chandra G, RAO PN.
The use of satellite data for rapid estimation of soil moisture (SM) and determination of environmental factors affecting it has been developed in recent years. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of biophysical and topographic characteristics on spatial distribution of SM. For this purpose, SM was measured at 148 points in Balikhli-Chay watershed in Ardabil province and triangular method based on ASTER digital elevation model, land cover map and climatic data was applied for SM modeling. Surface biophysical properties including wetness, greenness, brightness, and land surface temperature and topographic variables (solar local incidence angle, elevation, slope, and aspect) were calculated. Model error in different months was determined using error statistics. According to the results, the average SM content in the region in July, August and September were 4.67, 6.22 and 4.66%, respectively. The lowest coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) of estimated and measured SM were related to September (0.78 and 1.44, respectively). The strongest linear relationship between SM and biophysical variables (topography) was related to July (with R2 and RMSE equal to 0.53 and 0.29, respectively). SM decreased with increasing land surface temperature and brightness, however increasing greenness, wetness, elevation and solar local incidence angle increased SM content. This study showed that the triangular model can be used to investigate the spatial distribution of SM using biophysical and surface topographic properties.
Habitat Suitability for Artemisia Chamaemelifolia Vill. in rangelands of Ardabil province
Maryam Molaei, *, Mehdi Moameri, Javad Motamedi, Zeynab Hazbavi
Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation, -
Modeling the Distribution of Juniper Species (Juniperus excelsa M.Bieb.) Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Generalized Linear Model (GLM) in Southern Ardabil and Northern Zanjan Provinces
Azad Kakehmami, *, Mehdi Moameri, Abazar Esmali Ouri, Zeinab Hazbavi, Sahar Ghafari
Journal of Rangeland, -
Combination of Semi-Empirical Radar Remote Sensing Models for Soil Moisture Retrieval During the Plant Growing Season Based on Machine Learning
Amir Sedighi, Saeid Hamzeh *, , Abd Ali Naseri, Jamal Mohammadi Moalezade
Iran Water Resources Research, -
The influence of urban stractures, vegetation cover, and utilized data in urban impervious surface mapping from multi-source data
Ali Abdolkhani, Sara Attarchi *,
Geographical Urban Planning Research,