Preparing Competence-based CID Police Agents in Detecting Stolen Vehicles
Today studying the competence of key and knowledgeable staff, is one of the most important research fields in human resource management with the aim of discovering their required knowledge and skills. This research is intended to identify and determine the competence of CID officers in the field of detecting stolen vehicles and to present a model in this regard. The present research is of applied type from target audience perspective and of discovery type from objectives perspective and of survey type from methodology perspective. The statistical community of this research includes a number of officers working in NAJA CID Police totaling 187 of whom 126 were selected using random sampling method. To gather data, a questionnaire was used and to obtain structure validity, first step approval factor analysis was used and to review content validity, experts’ view were used, as well. Reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Kronbach Alfa. To analyze the data, Spss and PLS software were also put to use. The main dimensions of officers’ competence in four dimensions of knowledge and awareness (7 indexes), skills and abilities (7 indexes), values and perceptions (5 indexes) and individual features (5 Indexes) were identified and verified. The analysis results show the desirability and suitability of the model. Using the obtained competence model in different resource management systems, for instance in the area of combating vehicle theft, can increase the efficacy of the officers in establishing security and the detection of stolen vehicles.