Unwritten valley""Confrontation of Form and Meaning in the Mystical Poetry of the Mantiq Al-Tayr"

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Attar mentions seven valleys in the Mantiq Al-Tair, but there is one unwritten valley, that is passing from the form to the meaning. In Attar's words, the form is seen in the permissible concept, the pluralities, the appearance, the world and the dependencies on it, and the meaning is also seen in the concept of unity, inwardness, soul, transcendence and attainment of truth. The story of these birds can be considered as passing through the form. Because Attar uses the form of an allegorical story and in the text, he calls the reader and the seeker of the way through appearances and forms and paying attention to the meaning. He sees the way through the face and reaching the world of meaning in cutting off attachments, having effort and justice, and in general in seeking, love and annihilation.
Religions & Mysticism, Volume:53 Issue: 1, 2020
207 to 227
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