Investigation of Antecedents for Job Performance in the Commanders and principals of police deputies in West Azerbaijan
When employees feel committed to their organization, they not only seek to perform their duties but also to demonstrate organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, organizational citizenship behavior is a criterion for evaluating job performance. Regarding this, the present study tries to investigate the role of organizational justice, psychological empowerment, and perceived organizational support in promoting and enhancing the performance level of police staff through organizational commitment and extra-role behavior. The present study is an applied and correlation type research. The statistic population includes the commanders and the principals of different West-Azerbaijan deputy police who involve 152 people and therefore census was applied to collect the data. In order to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire a first and second-order confirmatory factor analysis and in order to evaluate the reliability of it a Cronbach’s Alpha were applied. The research hypotheses were investigated using the structural part of the structural equation modeling i.e. path analysis. Based on the obtained results it was approved that all five factors including perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment, organizational justice, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior (Antecedents of job performance) have a significant and positive effect on job performance. However, organizational citizenship behavior has the highest effect on the job performance of police among the other factors.
Investigating the Effect of Humorous Leadership Style on Employee Resilience with the Mediating Role of Creative Self-Efficacy and Job-Coexistence Self-Efficacy
Maedeh Aghvami Panah, Abbas Ali Rastgar *,
Journal of Public Administration Perspective, -
Analyzing the role of environmental advertising on the environmental performance of urban management with mediation environmental quality and moderation of green psychological benefits
Nasim Rashedi, Ramin Bashier Khodaparasti *, Hooshmand Bagheri Garabollagh, Bagher Asghnezhad Nouri
Journal of Natural Environment, -
مسئولان و افزایش رضایت افکار عمومی در بحرانها
*، سید نوید رسولی
فصلنامه مدیریت بحران و وضعیت های اضطراری، پاییز 1403