Indication of Symbolic Allusion (Isharah) in Jurisprudential Principles of The Five Denominations: Comparative Study
Indication plays a significant role in understanding Quranic na dnarrative contents aiming at inferencing jurisprudential rules and it is discussed in various scinces as logic, interpretation, theology, and jurisprudential principles and is divided into various forms. According to this, Usuliyan have posed discussions regarding the indication of Isharah as one kind of indication in discussion about words. The present article tends to answer this fundamental question: what is the nature and authenticity of indication of symbolic allusion (Isharah) in the views of scholars in The five denominations? In addition, how do the differences in attitudes regarding the nature of indication of Isharah affect its function in jurisprudence? Although roughly all Usuliyan consider the same meaning for indication of Isharah, they adopt differing approaches in their definitions like defining the meaning, defining the word, the quality of indication and defining the indicated. Furthermore, in the discussion regarding the nature of indication of Isharah, the Usuliyan's differences of ideas in limitted to three theories: content, Mantuq (law), and independent nature. It seems, of course, that indication of Isharah embeds independent nature and defining indication.
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