The pathology of population policy legitimization and presentation of desirable indicators
Since the regulation of population policies and the enactment of laws and regulations related thereto are among the priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, these laws and regulations must be formulated and implemented with a long perspective in accordance with demographic conditions and characteristics; A desirable demographic system is necessary and necessary to identify appropriate indicators to legitimize demographic and child policies. T The need to address this is because population and child policies are of paramount importance in the realization of the government's development plan and are a component of authority, national power, and system stability. In addition, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted inconsistencies in the adoption of population policies and laws, due to the lack of specific indicators in the definition of population policies and the lack of attention to the subject of population at times and places. The authors are therefore descriptive and analytically seeking to answer the question, "Given the pathology of the population-based regulatory system, which indicators can serve the purposes of population policy?" With the pathology of current population laws and policies, it will become clear that the country's population system has been damaged; regionalization, and attention to population quality, and a focus on the principle of proportionality.
The Right of the Child to Mental Health in the Virtual Space with Emphasis on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Islamic Teachings
Journal of Jurisprudence and legal studies of media, -
Investigating the Challenges of Institutionalizing Women's Social Participation in the Legal System of Iran
Akram Borjian *, Mohammad Eshaghi,
Journal of the Socio - Political Thought of Islam, Winter and Spring 2021