A Critical Examination of the Content Elements of Attraction in Animation From the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy
Animation is one of the cultural-media products that has great potential to attract audiences because of its great capabilities. In the first step, this paper attempts to explain the appeal of animation from both 'media' and 'sociological-psychological' perspectives by using a descriptive-analytical approach. From the media perspective, the theory of persuasion can well analyze how the audience is attracted to the animation, and from the sociological-psychological dimension, Horton and Wool's theory of Persona, or the "media personalities", can capture how the audience is drawn to an animation. Check. Based on these two theories, the content components of animations that are appealing to the audience are presented below. These components include "saviorism and specialism", "ordinary heroes", "saga", "being unique", "infinity" and "representing the invisible world". Finally, attractiveness is analyzed from the perspective of Islamic philosophy and the impact of all kinds of attraction on human beings and society is examined. Accordingly, there are three kinds of "sensual", "delusional" and "intellectual" attractions, together with the three "vegetable", "animal" and "intellectual" human souls, which each of the semantic worlds descends into the realm of the human mind, and They then find inter-religious identity and express themselves in the realm of culture and lifestyle.
Rhetorical Fantasy-Theme Criticism of "Disappointed Adolescent, Euphoria in the Moment" on Pooorblack's Instagram Page
Journal of New Media Studies, -
Constructed Gender Identity in the Works of Souda Simorgh of the 40th Fajr Film Festival
Hafiaze Mahdian *
Journal of Media Studies,