Strategies for the Development of Social Capital From the Islamic Value System
The teachings of Islam, containing transcendent values, make the foundation of social capital and reinforce it. On the one hand, knowledge values and concepts, in the form of a comprehensive system, actualize and develop social capital; on the other hand, social capital makes the basis for sustainable social and development by creating networks of trust and different other relations. Hence, this study is aimed at providing solutions to develop social capital based on the Islamic value system. This descriptive applied research follows library and field method for data collection. Master and doctoral students of management at Farabi Campus of the University of Tehran were selected randomly as the research population. The elites and specialists were also selected by snowball method. All of the indicators of strategies for developing social capital revealed a high status by factor analysis and were approved. In the subjective aspect, interests were different, and in the objective aspect, knowledge organizations occupied the most important positions. In general, the objective dimension, having a path coefficient of 0.84, occupied a better position than that of the subjective aspect with a path coefficient of 0.81.
Ontology of Transcendent Theosophy and Management and Organization Studies
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Wittgenstein V G. E. Moore A comparative study between Wittgenstein and Moore about the two concepts of knowledge and certainty
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Examining Avrom Stroll's point of view about Wittgenstein's two different understandings of the foundations of certain beliefs
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Future studies of Islamic management: Realistic approach
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