The Possible Role of Urinary Tract Infectionin Urinary Stone Formationin Children
The aim of this study was to evaluate urinarymetabolicfeaturesas ariskfactorin stone formation.
In thiscase-control study, 222 childrenranging from 6 months to16years old suffering fromurolithiasis in our university hospitals in Iran in 2019-2020 were selected through random sampling andwere subsequently evaluated. The research group werechildrenwithurinarystones and urinary tract infectionand the control group encompassed childrenwithurinarystonesand without urinary tract infection. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL) for windows.
Theratio of average amounts ofcalcium, magnesium, oxalate, cystine, uric acid,andcitrateto creatinineshowed no significantdifferences between thetwo groups.
Urinary tractinfectioncannot be considered as afactorforstone formation inthe urinary tractdue to changes inurinarybiochemical characteristics.