A Criticism of the Erotic View toward Women in Postmodern Sonnets through a Post-Feminist Approach
The post-feminism tendency in postmodernism, with the aim of denying gender differences and proving women's right to liberty and awareness, has rejected the principles of traditional ethics, which have an absolute view of moral and immoral behaviors and attribute some of these behaviors to women according to gender. Instead, this tendency believes in relativism of moral principles.Having entered literature and consequently poetry and postmodern sonnets, the same idea, with a relative look at ethics and in an attempt to break away from traditional beliefs about women and feminine ethics, has led to the emergence of erotic literature, which emphasizes the sexual and physical aspects of love.Postmodern lyricism paved the way for poets to protest against the traditional view, and encouraged female poets to,by mentioning erotic issues,free themselves from the barriers that custom and tradition, in the name of morality, had extended around them.The present study, which has relied on library research through a descriptive method, tries to comparethe post-feminist perspectives with the approach of moral relativism in postmodern sonnets and shows how erotic and sexual-oriented views toward women can leave negative effects on the thoughts of society.