Protective Effect of Curcumin on Hepatic Enzyme Transaminases and Alkaline Phosphatase in Male Rats After Receiving Nickel Nanoparticles
Nickel nanoparticles are widely distributed in the environment, resulting in damage to various tissues of body, including the lung, liver, testis, and kidney which is the major effect on the liver tissue. Therefore, this study aims to investigate Curcumin protective effect on the number of enzymes (ALT, AST, and ALP) to obtain nickel nanoparticles in rats. In this experimental study, 50 Wistar adult male rats were randomly selected and divided in to five groups (control, witness, receiver group (nickel 50 mg/kg), receiver group (nickel 50 mg/kg + Curcumin 150 mg/kg), and receiver group (nickel 50 mg/kg + Curcumin 300 mg/kg). The treatment of rats continued for 28 days. In the end, after bloodletting of rats, (ALT, AST and ALP) enzymes were investigated. Nickel nanoparticles caused a significant difference in Serum level of Aspartate Aminotransferase, Alanine aminotransferase, and Alkaline Phosphatase enzymes in the class of p < /em> ˂ 0.0001 than the control group. While, Curcumin in different dosages caused a significant reduction in the serum level of enzymes expressed at the class of p < /em> ˂ 0.0001 ratio to the control group. The treatment by Curcumin results in reducing the liver damage induced by nickel nanoparticles. Also, we can say that the concurrent consumption of Curcumin with nickel nanoparticle due to the antioxidant properties of Curcumin reduces this activity