The Necessity of a Bicameral System in Line with the Preservation of the Citizens’ Individual and Social Rights in a Comparison With the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Legislative System
Objective and Background:
Having a Bicameral System in Line With the Preservation of the Citizens’ Individual and Social Rights is Amongst the System’s Concerns in the Area of Public Rights. Since the Beginning of the Constitutional Movement, one of the Controversial Issues Being Still Debated by the Law Experts and Constitution Enactors is the Combination of the Parliament and the Existence of Unicameral and Bicameral Systems. The Goal of This Research Paper is the Elaboration of the Necessity and Importance of the Bi-Congressional System in Line With the Preservation of Citizenship Rights.
Study Findings:
As for the Unicameral and Bicameral Systems, Legal and, in Some Cases, Internally Political Reasoning Has Been Offered Regarding the Superiority of Each. Many of the Legislative Systems Have Accepted the Proposition for the Parliament’s Being Bicameral and Inserted it in Their Constitutions. This Important Task Should be Also Conducted in Iran, As Well, Because the First Congress Manifests Mobility and Innovation and Reflects the Will of the Public; Amongst Its Disadvantages is the Enactment of Raw Regulations in Some of the Cases Due to the Hastiness in Enacting Rules and Emotionally Facing Some of the Subjects. The Second Congress Embodies the Intellectuality, As Opposed to Hastiness, of the Elites in the Face of the General Public as Well as the Opinion of the Elders Versus the Opinion of the Youngsters.
Study Method:
This Article has Been Prepared and Codified in an Analytical-Descriptive Form Based on Library Resources.
It is Eventually Concluded Based on the Investigations That the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitution is in Need of a Bi-Pillar Congress and a Second Congress Based on the Necessities and Functions of This Institution. Despite the Negligence of This Issue, it Has to be Taken Into Account in Case of the Constitutional Reforms. And, the Second Congress Can More Than Before Take Steps Towards the Preservation of the Citizens’ Individual and Social Rights by Relying on the Principle of Intellectuality. This Article Has Been Prepared and Codified in a Descriptive-Analytical Form Through the Use of Library Resources. Trustworthiness is the Principle that has Been Observed From the Beginning to the End of This Article; No Biased ideas Have Been Presented Herein and Ethical Principles and Honesty Have Been Also Observed.