Effectiveness of the implementation of the resolution of the reform of the energy consumption pattern and resources in buildings (Case study: Tehran Municipality buildings)

Article Type:
Case Study (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Considering the increasing energy consumption and the reduction of energy resources as one of the major concerns of metropolitan areas as well as the existence of overseas documents in this regard, including the adoption of general environmental policies by Leader and the eleventh government’s plans to optimize energy consumption, including the government decree specifically on the optimization of energy consumption and environmental protection and the establishment of the energy and environment optimization campaign, Tehran municipality, through resolution No. 4474/1270/160 of the Council of the islamic republic of Tehran on “Requirement of the Tehran municipality to implement the consumption model reform”, has done several projects in this field among them are “optimization of water, electricity and gas consumption in Tehran municipal buildings”.Implementation of the program in recent years in municipal buildings has produced significant results. The present paper investigates the reduction of energy and resource consumption in two years (2018-2019) in municipality’s buildings. Investigation of changes in energy consumption and resources in municipality’s buildings in the year 2019 compared to the year 2018 showed that the implementation of the project of modifying the consumption pattern resulted in a 3% reduction in water per capita, 9% in electricity consumption and 5% in gas consumption.

Journal of Urban Economics and Planning, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2020
48 to 52