The transtextual relationship between Abu-Shakur Balkhi'sAfarinNameh and Saadi'sBustan and Gulistan
According to intertextual theory, no text is formed in isolation, and each text is influenced in an explicit or implicit way by the books before it.Gérard Genette studied the relationship of texts to the subject of transtextualite. He categorized it into five categories: intertextuality, hypertextuality, metatextuality,Paratextuality andarchitextuality. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to examine these five categories between Abu-Shakur Balkhi'sAfarin-Name and Saadi'sBustan and Gulistan. It has been done in a library and descriptive-analytical way. Both poets have commonalities in the fields of: science and wisdom, speech, luck, greediness and the value of contentment, enjoying life and in the context of Didactic literature. Saadi's works have been strongly influencedAs "hypertext" (second text)From Afarinnameh as "hypotext" (first text)And we can say thatSaadi's works are a perfect example of the subject ofrelationship of texts transtextual That the category has more intertextuality and transtextuality with the hypotext of its text.