A Study for the slogan"Kullu Yawmin 'Ashūrā wa Kullu Arḍin Karbalā"The Historical Process of Formation, Semantics and Correctness
"Ashura slogans" are expressive and instructive messages, taken from the rich culture of Ashura, which is mainly rooted in the statements of Imam Hussein (AS); These slogans are generally divided to four categories; Slogans that: 1- Their attribution to Imam Hussein is definite; 2- "quoted means" and their word is not quoted in the main sources; 3- Their "theme" has been considered in definite narrations; 4- It is fabricated and due to its use, generality and incorrect meaning, it cannot be accepted that it has been attributed to Imam. In the meantime, there is no Isnad for the slogan " Kollo Yaomin Ashura va Kollo Arzin Karbala", but according to narration sources, this slogan is from the third category of Ashura slogans. According to some narrations; Such as: "La yaoma Kayaomika Ya Aba Abdillah" and "La yaoma Kayaomi Alhusain", which apparently contradicts the above slogan, we conclude that this slogan is the intensity of oppression against the highest example of the mankind and also the intensity of struggle With oppression in Karbala. Also, the content of the narration: "Falakom Fiia osvaton "confirms the mentioned slogan.