Where is the Forbidden Boundary of Science?Reflections on the Semantic Fieldand Signification of Four Qur’anic Words
In their effort to develop and to dominate the world around them, humankind have sometimes been overcome by temporal, spatial, and epistemological obstacles. Nevertheless, compared with the extent of the development of the early humans, modern humankind consider themselves successful and somewhat at the end point of progress. The passage of time, discovery and acquisition of new knowledge, however, have always been accompanied by the emergence of new unknowns. Therefore, in this process of constant struggle, humankind find himself faced with the question of which realm of science is beyond their reach, and should not bother themselves entering it. Relying on the Qur’anic knowledge and by scrutinizing the semantic field of the Qur’anic words and paying attention to the discussions of the philosophy of science, this article focused on the above-mentioned question, and concluded that except for the special science of the essence of the Almighty God and the sciences that have been forever hidden behind the curtain of the unseen by God's permission, other potential sciences can be conquered by human beings, and they must make their efforts to fulfill the will of God the Almighty, in accordance with the "position of the caliphate of God" for humankind and the divine “command to build on the earth".
An Analysis of Rhetorical Reasoning in Madani Surahs of the Holy Qur'ān based on the Reasoning Theory of Chaïm Perelman
Ali Baqer Taherinia *, Masoumeh Taghizadeh, Ali Badri, Ali Ahmad Naseh
Literary - Qura'nic Researches, -
Analysis of issues and challenges surrounding the Arabic language in Iran with a future-oriented approach
Alibaqer Taheriniya, Mahmoodreza Tavakoli Mohamadi *, Ahmad Saeedi, Alireza Taheriniya