Tibial Tuberosity Avulsion Fractures in an Obese Adolescent: A Rare Injury
Avulsion of tibial tuberosity is very rare injuries seen in adolescent boys. We hereby report a case of a 16‑year‑old obese boy with acute tibial tuberosity avulsion. The patient was obese weighing 110 kg. Fixation and rehabilitation was a challenge and hence we want publish this rare combination. To best of our knowledge, no such cases are reported. A 16‑year‑old boy presented to emergency department with a history of tripping from stairs. Clinicoradiological examination revealed closed acute tibial tuberosity avulsion. The patient was obese weighing 110 kg. The patient underwent fixation with cancellous screws and 5.5 mm suture anchor. Following a comprehensive rehabilitation, the patient regained complete range of motion and back to routine activities. Acute tibial tuberosity injuries are very rare injuries commonly seen in adolescent age. Associated injuries and comorbidities make the optimal treatment of such injuries challenging