Evaluating Some Soil Water Characteristic Curve Models in Agricultural Lands of Qorveh-Dehgolan, Kurdistan Province
Soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) represents the quantative relationship between soil water content and matric suction. Direct measurement of this curve is laborious, time consuming and expensive. Hence, several experimental, mathematical and analytical models have been presented to describe the SWCC. In this research, 11 SWCC models were calibrated using volumetric water content and matric suction data of 27 soil samples of Qorveh-Dehgolan plain agricultural lands. Solver Toolbox in Excel used to calibrate the models and six other soil samples data used for result validation. The R2, RMSE, NRMSE and MBE statistics were used to assess the prediction accuracy of the models. According to the obtained results, for clay and loam textures, Libardi et al and Simmons et al models, for silty clay loam texture, Brooks and Corey model, for clay loam texture, Brooks and Corey and Campbell models, for silty clay texture, Van Genuchten m=1-2/n and Brooks and Corey models and for sandy loam texture, power model were proposed to predict soil water characteristic curve in the soils of the studied lands.