Review of challenges and legal solutions to support investment in the mining industry (with the approach of reducing the problems and social harms caused by unemployment)
Mines in the production of wealth and employment are effective components and important in the growth and development of societies. Our country also has good potential. Developments in this area require a new approach to mining rights and exploitation. But for this important use of domestic and foreign investment capacities, we need legal support from domestic and foreign investors that expands the scope of private sector responsibility and has the necessary incentive to continue investing. The development of mining activities will increase employment and, consequently, reduce social harms. This paper is a qualitative research and library and documentary methods were used for collection. results show; Given the importance of the mining sector and its impact on the country's economic growth, it is necessary in the legislative field, given the ups and downs in jurisprudence and law, to attract domestic and foreign investors to maximize the country's mineral capacity and consequently increase employment and Reduce unemployment and reduce social harm.