Investigating the Influential Components of Mystical Unitarianism in the Unity of Society and Moderating Extreme Readings of Religion

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Endless differences and conflicts between the followers of religions and denominations seriously damage the social and religious life of religious people and question the current state of the religious community. The fundamental presuppositions of Islamic mysticism, which are based on the knowledge of the existential realm of God and man, are the key to paving the way for human peace and tranquility. Explaining the basics of the nature of mystical teachings plays a key role in the peaceful coexistence of the followers of religions and denominations, and the establishment of solidarity, unity and lasting peace among Muslims. Mystics consider self-purification to be the cause of spiritual peace and vitality in the life of society and a manifestation of external peace. Emphasizing the goal of freedom in the advent of the prophets, they seek the piety and freedom of the followers of denominations and believe in the internal unity of religions based on the unity of existence and the validity of the pluralities. The mystical attitude, while acknowledging differences and endorsing internal unity, properly plays a unifying and connecting role not only in the internal components of Islamic civilization, but also in human beings. In this article, we try to explain the effective components of mystical unificationism (unity of existence, self-cultivation, introversion and free thought) on the unity of mystical society by referring to some mystical attitudes with a descriptive-analytical approach and to show their role in shaping the attitude of solidarity and social unity in Islamic society

Religious Studies, Volume:9 Issue: 17, 2021
103 to 122  
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