Social happiness and its decisive factors (A case study in Birjand)
Socialhappinessisoneofthemostsignificantdecisivefactorsinman’slife;whichisfollowed by positive outcomes for both the individual and the community. Thus, the present study aimed at assessing social happiness and its decisive factors among some Birjand citizens. In this field survey, 400 over 15 year-old citizens were selected through multi-stage clustersampling. Data collection means was the standard researcher-designed happiness questionnaire by Zareand Aminpoor (2011-2012).The obtained data was fed into SPSS software (V: 18), using statistical tests including one-variable chi-square, Pierson’s correlation, synchronicmultiple regression, and Friedman’s. It was foundthatthe general condition of social happiness and its decisive factors in the study population was satisfactory (i.e. more than the average level). In general, there was a positive and significant relationship between social happiness-on one hand- and social security feeling, social trust, faithfulness to religious beliefs, hopefulness, social equity feeling, social health, and life style – on the other (P<0.05). Among the decisive factors of social happiness life satisfaction, social health, kinship network, faithfulness to religious beliefs, and hopefulness had the most role in anticipating social happiness having β coefficient 34%, 25%, 24%, 20%, and 10% respectively. The population study had the most share in anticipating social happiness. Thus, in order to have a healthy and cheerful community providing the decisive factors must be part of the responsibility of individuals, families, and the community. According to the results of the present study and the situation of social vitality in Birjand, which is in a moderate level, it is suggested that health-oriented life, in two dimensions of physical and mental health, through various means such as using advertising and radio and television capabilities, holding and informing Suitable for public sports and creating healthy and happy programs commensurate with the economic potential of all economic classes of society to improve the quality of life of citizens