Examination of Causal Model of Parenting Styles with Tendency to Drug Addiction with the Mediating Role of Alexithymia and Aggression
The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating role of aggression and alexithymia in the relationship between parenting styles and tendency to drug addiction. The method of the present study is descriptive-correlation of structural reg ression. The statistical population of the study are all students of Bahonar University of Kerman and Payame Noor of Rafsanjan, from which 250 people were selected by convenience sampling. Participants completed the Baumrind parenting styles questionnaire, Addiction tendency, Toronto alexithymia scale, and Aggression. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural regression. The results show that there is an increasing (direct) and significant relationship between aggression (p= 0.013) and alexithymia (p= 0.015) with tendency to drug addiction and parenting styles, in addition to direct effect, indirectly also affect tendency to drug addiction through aggression and alexithymia. Based on the calculations, a significant confidence interval was obtained from the Bootstrap method to investigate the mediating role of aggression and alexithymia variables in the relationship between parenting style (liberation scale, authoritarian scale and rational authority scale). Accordingly, the mediating effect of aggression and alexithymia on the relationship between parenting style and tendency to drug addiction is confirmed.