The physical Viewpoint of Place in the Poetry of Adonis (The Diwans of “Transformations and Migration Between the Regions of Day and Night”, and "The Stage and the Mirrors”)
Poets tend to focus on the element of place in their literary works in order to induce concepts, in addition to playing a role in creating a living and influencing context in the text. Adonis has used well the element of space and its movement in different forms in his poetry. Therefore, the place in his poem is characterized by the movement that makes the place be an animated creature and has a significant role in explaining and inculcating his intellectual orientation and feelings about the events of society and his time and the use of the element of space may be a wise interpretation of the poet's inner desires and dreams. Adonis poetic images are full of spatial motions, including vertical movement, landing, circular motion, employing multiple moves, horizontal or transverse motion.The present research seeks to address the physical perspective of the place in the poetic structure of Adonis relying on “Transformations and Migration between the Regions of Day and Night”, and "The Stage and the Mirrors” Diwans and based on the psychological method, while tries to attribute it to the feeling and emotions of the poet and affirms a variety of poetic examples of place moving and its implications in poetic pictures. The method of this paper is descriptive and analytical-statistical and psychological. The vertical movement in Adonis 's poetry has been used extensively because of its connection with his optimistic and revolutionary views on the issues of his society,