A critique on the belief "Wonder: the beginning of philosophy" and arguing for "Surprise: the origin of abductive inference"
The Platonic belief that philosophy begins from wonder has been welcomed by the worldwide and Iranian philosophers. To critique this belief we argue that the explanatory and normalizing function of knowledge in societies together with naturalistic ontology, neutralizes the astonishment and makes ineffective its impact on philosophical thoughts. In contrast, we argue that genesis of philosophical thought is due to deep speculation and introspective temperament of the mind together with skeptical exploration of the existing knowledge and beliefs. Abduction has been the research subject of various disciplines from logic and philosophy of science to artificial intelligent. The second part of the paper is devoted to a new investigation of abductive inference, subjective abduction and its relationship with the emotion of surprise and surprising events. We explain this amazing mental ability in terms of subjective estimation of probability and intuitive expectation. At last some fallacies arising from abductive reasonings are discussed.
پیشنهادهایی برای پوست اندازی ریاضیات در ایران: طرح اولیه
خبرنامه انجمن ریاضی ایران، تابستان 1397 -
ریاضیات ماشینی، ریاضیات انسانی
خبرنامه انجمن ریاضی ایران، تابستان 1395