Determining the Attitude of Government and Local Stakeholders in Participatory Decision-Making for Watershed Management Practices in Unar Chay Watershed, Meshgin Shahr, Iran

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Introduction and Objective

Implementing management practices and involving stakeholders is associated with challenges due to changing perceptions and expectations of stakeholders. Active participation in decision making of watershed management measures is determining the community characteristics, involved people and diverse groups of stakeholders. In this regards, the present research was planned to determine the different groups approach in participatory decision-making for watershed management measures in the Unar Chay Watershed of Meshgin Shahr, Ardabil Province via Policy Profile Ratio (PPR) and Index of Resolution (IR).

Material and Methods

To achieve the considered goal, the target experts/managers have been chosen based on different background including natural resources, environment, regional water company, nomadic affairs, Jahad griculture, NGOs members, watershed residents, students, university professors and citizen groups. Through designing a questionnaire, the approach of different groups was examined based on analyzing the effect of watershed management projects on improving the income of watershed residents and evaluating the watershed community participation in the projects implementation and conflict reducing and increasing of local community’s cooperation. Then, the PPR and IR were calculated and analyzed for all stakeholder groups.


The results showed that the value of PPR is between zero and -11. So that, among the study groups, the least PPR value was related to the subject of improving the watershed community income for the NGOs group which they were as opponents of the decision. Some of the study groups have a moderate approach towards the considered subjects. Additionally, the IR value was ranged between -50 and 12. The lowest value of IR was obtained for students group (opponents of the decision) towards the Women's empowerment and support via local cooperatives and organizations.


The social profile ratio, while determining and prioritizing the views of different decision-maker and stakeholder groups, can be useful in effectively managing actions based on the strengths and weaknesses of the watershed participation process. In this regard, strengthening the participation of stakeholders and effective groups as well as removing barriers in low-impact groups can be considered in the planning process.

Journal of Watershed Management Research, Volume:12 Issue: 24, 2022
1 to 12  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Kateb، Fatemeh
    Author (1)
    Kateb, Fatemeh
    Phd Student Watershed managment science and engineering (water and soil conservation), Tarbiat Modares University, تهران, Iran
  • Esmali Ouri، Abazar
    Corresponding Author (2)
    Esmali Ouri, Abazar
    Professor Department of Range and Watershed Management, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, اردبیل, Iran
  • Mostafazadeh، Raoof
    Author (3)
    Mostafazadeh, Raoof
    Associate Professor Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, اردبیل, Iran
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