Geology, mineralization and genesis of the Madabad celestite deposit, south Zanjan
Rock units in the Madabad celestite deposit are composed of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone interlayered with marly limestone and marl units of the Qom Formation (lower Miocene). Mineralization occurs as lens-shaped orebody, hosted by limestone units of member of the Qom Formation usually crosscutting bedding of the host rocks. Three stages of mineralization occurred in the Madabad deposit. The first stage is characterized by calcite formation during syn-depositional to syn-diagenesis processes. The second stage is related to hydrothermal processes that are distinguished by formation of fine-grained and sugary crystals of massive stage-1 celestite, vein-veinlets of coarse-grained stage-2 celestite along with minor strontianite and barite, coarse-grained euhedral crystals of stage-3 celestite with vug infilling texture, and finally late-stage quartz and calcite vein-veinlets. Stage three includes supergene processes. Hydrothermal alteration includes dolomitization, calcitization and silicification. Celestite along with minor strontianite and barite are ore minerals, and calcite, dolomite, quartz and iron oxides-hydroxides are gangue minerals at Madabad. The ore minerals show vein-veinlets, vug infilling, brecciated and cataclastic textures. Microthermometric measurements of two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions hosted in celestite II indicate that salinities values range from 6 to 18 wt.% NaCl equiv. (avg. 10.6 wt.% NaCl equiv.). These inclusions have homogenization temperatures range from 248 to 365 °C, with an average of 278 °C. These data indicate a minimum trapping depth of 510 m for the Madabad deposit. Sr was originated from evaporate units within the marly parts of the Qom Formation and volcanic units of the Karaj Formation. Characteristics of the Madabad deposit are similar to epigenetic replacement celestite deposits.