“Isnad-Matn of The Imam Sadiq`s (as) Prayer of Rajabiyyah: An Analytical Study”
“Isnad-Matn of The Imam Sadiq`s (as) Prayer of Rajabiyyah: An Analytical Study” One of the prayers of the month of Rajab is the Imam Sadiq`s (as) Prayer of Rajabiyyah which begins with the phrase "O who I hope him", Hence, it is also known by the same phrase. In this article, the various narrations of this prayer, the etiquette and times of its recitation, the cause of its issuance and the meanings of its words and phrases have been examined. Finally, it was shown that this Prayer of Rajabiyyah, in addition to some Isnad`s defects, weakness of some of its narrators and differences in it`s narrations, can be compensated by the existence of several Isnads for the Prayer, the mendings of some it`s Isnads, citation of great narrators of Hadith such as Kulaini, Kashshi and Sayyid Ibn Tawus in their works, as well as its higher meanings, possibles the utterance of this prayer from the infallible Imam. Therefore, the prayer in question is valid and could was issued by the Imam.
The Discourse of The Holy Prophet`s (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him and His Household) Sira in The face of The People of the Book: A Survey
Journal of survey in teaching humanities, -
G.H.A. Juynboll`s Point of view Concerning Dating of The Origin of Isnad: An Analytical-critical Study
*, Reza Moaddab
Tahqiqat-e Ulum-e Qur´an wa Hadith,