Analysis of the New Approach to International Investment Law In Relation to the Public Interest of Host Government
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Principles of international investment law and treaties are more about protecting foreign investors. Therefore, in investment agreements that are signed between the host countries with the investors or their respective governments, the host country is obliged to provide the necessary investment support and any action contrary to the investment agreement is prohibited. In some cases, however, the protection of the public and fundamental interests of society requires the host country to take actions contrary to the provisions of the treaty, as encouraging and promoting investment should not be at the expense of the internal public interest. So the main challenge is how the public interest in host countries can have convergence with investment criteria? The most important findings of this study indicate that although there is no uniform procedure in this regard, but the new approach of most tribunals is that if the government's actions are based on reasonable criteria such as necessity, similar conditions and appropriateness, it is allowed. Of course this is achieved by providing a balanced interpretation of the requirements of international investment and creating a balance between the public interest of the host country and the requirements of the rules of international investment.
Journal of Public Law Research, Volume:23 Issue: 72, 2022
231 to 262
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