The Consequences of Evangelization for Interactions between Muslims and Christians
Interactions between Muslims and Christians began with misgivings. However, passage of the time taught the followers of both religions to conduct a dialogue in a more charitable way. In the contemporary world where atheistic inclinations threaten, not a particular religion, but the very foundations of religiosity, an ever increasing convergence was formed between Muslims and Christians. In fact, this convergence still faces historical and theological obstacles. We intend to articulate Christian evangelism as an obstacle for the establishment of convergence in some places. We conclude that evangelization as a theological commitment, rooted in the New Testament and Christian tradition, extended from its limited version among Jews to other nations, including Muslims. Evangelization always plays the role of a major obstacle to fundamental convergence. Suspension of cultural and social identity, inferiority, and cultural uprooting are some of the repercussions of evangelization. Each of these is sufficient to hurt the religious feelings of the Muslim nation. In addition to these, one can add fraudulent activities and deception by several Christian missionaries.