The Balance of Threat in the Political Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United State
Iran-US relations have formed one of the most stressful contemporary political relations since the Islamic Revolution, and making, and implementation of any decision on these relations is subject to the recognition, justification, and application of the theory appropriate to it. Applying appropriate theory, especially on US-Iran relations, will give decision makers an appropriate framework of thought and make appropriate decisions under this framework, rather than misrepresentations and misinterpretations. Therefore, in this study, we seek to answer the question of how the political relations between Iran and the United States can be justified within the framework of the threat balance theory. The hypothesis that given all four aspects of the threat posed by Stephen Walt - (power, geography, military capabilities, and offensive intentions) that balance them - in Iran-US relations, the two countries' relations fall within the framework of this justified theory. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of the theory of threat balance in the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran using scientific-experimental method.
An Analysis of Unilateral Economic Sanctions in International Law: A Case Study of the United States
Seyed Amir Sina Nourani *
International Studies Journal, -
Futures studies of Islamic Republic of Iran's Political Relations with United States by 2024
Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaei *, Seyed AmirSina Nourani
Journal of Iran Futures Studies,