Agancy of Active Intellect in the Material World Engineering in the of Sadr-al-Motoalehin
Intellect as existents apart from material has a transcendental-sect. the discussion of ontological of intellect for solving the quality emanation multiplicity world of material bodies of necessary is considered by philosophers. The role of Intellect in the world can be studied by two important sights. Epistemology and ontological of intellect in which on epistemology is paid to the guilty of soul speaker contact with active intellect and pure Intellectuall and concept comprehension from it, science and cognition and union of the intellect discussion ontological of intellect is followed the quiddity of first emanation and explicate quality of world multiplicity emanation from necessary transcence, and the role of intellect is the way are studied so this study is for this role and the creation subjectivity of intellect especiality engineering consmos material for active intellect which is the topic of this study at the end it is coneluded that in molasadra point of view the intellect is inquietude and unfolded existence as the first emanation advent in all hierarchy of universal existence and is followed by a particular determination in each level
Fear of death and its treatment from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha
Nasser Mohammadi*, Hassan Abbasi Hosseinabadi
Biannual Journal Current Studies in Nahj al-Balaghah, -
Extratextual challenges in Hermeneutics domain to detect the class of the language of the Quran
Kamal Al-Din Salehyan Rad *,
Journal of Quranic interpretation and language,