Discursive Transformation of the Housing Policies Objects in Post-Revolutionary Iran
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The present study, taking the perspective of policy archeology, investigates the discourse space that has led to the emergence of the housing policy object after the revolution as the only possible and desirable object, in order to understand correctly the rules that govern the scattered components of the housing policy-making discourse in post-revolutionary Iran. In this regard, Foucauldian discourse analysis was used. The results show the deviation occurred in the formation of the housing policy-making object after the post-revolution Iran in the development programs from the official discourse of the Islamic Republic (authorized in the constitution), so that during the process of govermentalization of housing policies, surfaces of emergence, authorities of delimitation, and grid of specifications made the particular, limited, and governable form of the object, as an homo oeconomicus visible, leading to housing to be transformed to a special privilege from a public right to and be out of reach of everyone.
Journal of Urban and Regional Development Planning, Volume:6 Issue: 18, 2022
1 to 37
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