The Study of Jurisprudential Evidence of Diplomatic Immunity in an Islamic State
Immunity of lives and property and protecting diplomats’ residencies in the host countries, is among the accepted, and longstanding, principles in the international laws. Islam not only confirms but also puts emphasis on diplomatic immunities, including immunities of dignitaries and their residencies. In addition to studying cited jurisprudential evidence to prove the principle of diplomatic immunity, mentions will be made of the domain and limits of the immunities. Drawing upon the analysis of Islamic sources and data gathered from individual reasoning (ijtihÁd), it is shown that the importance of ambassade and those who act as representatives in foreign countries as well as its inherent interests, is itself an independent evidence of the necessity of preserving the immunity of visiting foreign officials and foreign diplomats and their diplomatic residential areas and there is no need to cite certain pacts made between countries to establish such immunities, specially when such diplomatic immunities, as stipulated in the pacts, are subject to different laws and regulations. In spite of admitting immunities of such kind in Islam, they are not absolute ones. Rather, in some cases when the activities of diplomats, unlike their inherent responsibilities, are oriented towards preserving their own offices and interests, these immunities are lifted.
بررسی فقهی حق تصدی زنان نسبت به مناسب دیپلماتیک
*، ابوبکر صدیق ابوبکر صدیق
مجله مطالعات فقه امامیه، بهار و تابستان 1403 -
The Role of Virtual Media in the Delay of America's Decline in the Public Perception of the Iranian People
Mahdi Rasekhi *, Mohammad Javad Norozi, Qasem Shabannia Ruknabadi
Journal of transcendent Policy,