A study of the Jacobson communication model in receiving Qur'anic concepts with emphasis on reception of irony: A case study of SURA Zumar
Studying communication functions in the chapters of the Qur'an could be a good way to achieve the esoteric meanings of this eternal miracle. The more researchers try to study the structure of Qur’anic verses, the more they understand its basic concepts and main purposes. One of the tools for studying the Qur’anic discourse is to find communication functions based on Jacobson's theory. The present study intends to study this chapter from different angles by adapting Jacobson's theory of communication theory and combining it with the ironic technique. Using a descriptive-analytical method, in this study, an attempt is made to explore the communication structure of the sura with the addressee or the recipient to find what communication method could be more effective and what kinds of meanings are emphasized by it. What is certain is that the main orientation in the communication model of the verses of this sura is more towards the subject of worshiping God. However, the persuasive role of the verses in Sura Zumr cannot be ignored because the sender of the message (God) has provided the dimensions of the referential and persuasive role by using literary, metalanguage, and empathy tools.
The Process of Interpretation in the Reception of Irony (The Case Study of the Poem Nazaf Al-Habib'O shaqaeq Al-Nomaan By Mahmoud Darwish)
, Sayyed Heaidar Fare Shirazi *, MuhammadJavad Pourabed, Naser Zare
Research in Arabic Language and Literature, -
The Irony from the perspective of the Reception Theory
, Sayyed Heaidar Far E Shirazi *, Mohammad Javad Pourabed, Naser Zare
Studies on Arabic language and Literature,