Prevention of Political Crimes and Political Upheaval
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
This study aims to investigate the prevention of crime and political upheaval. In this regard, the main question is whether the occurrence of political crimes in a country indicates the weakness of political and moral norms? Moreover, what are the basic components in preventing these crimes and overcoming them? The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library resources. It has qualitatively studied the theoretical, applied axes about the prevention of political crime based on the Political Crime Law approved in 2016 and has applied the common theories in deviation and deviation. Where appropriate, field statistics of a variable have been tested to test the hypotheses of a variable. The results showed that the quantity and quality of political crimes in each country indicate the distance between the requirements of the value system in the socio-political field and the reality among the social masses. According to the definition of political matter and political crime in any country, political criminals can be categorized based on which a preventive approach can be taken. The purpose of preventing political crime is first to establish morality and normativeness in the socio-political sphere and, secondly, to prevent the transformation of political crimes into political upheaval (including security crimes, deprivation of liberty, and similar public crimes). Due to the attachment of the spiritual and material elements of the political crime to socio-political factors and positive concerns, the strategy for preventing these crimes should be sought more in social factors, value and anti-value systems, contexts of deviation, etc. and studied in the case of individual biological and psychological factors (which are more common in general crimes) is of little use in this category.
Journal of transcendent Policy, Volume:9 Issue: 35, 2022
171 to 190
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