The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Human Resource Productivity with the Mediating Role of Organizational Trauma
One of the most important organizational resources is human resources. Hence, recognizing the factors that affect the productivity of human resources is important. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on human resources productivity with the mediating role of organizational trauma.
This study was conducted through a survey method based on structural equation modeling using the SMART PLS software. The instrumnts included Bar-An's emotional intelligence (2000), Dehympour and Dovlati Organizational trauma (1396), and Hersey and Gold Smith's human resource productivity (1980) questionnaires. The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the Chabahar Ports and Shippin Organization. From this population, 103 emploees were selected by simple random sampling method as research sample. To determine the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used. Convergent validity also used for testing questionnaires’ validity.
The results showed that emotional intelligence has a negative effect on organizational trauma (-0.57) and a positive effect on human resource productivity (0.30). Organizational trauma also has a negative effect on human resource productivity (-0.28). The indirect effect of emotional intelligence on human resource productivity through mediating role of organizational trauma was also confirmed (p <0.01).
According to the research results, the emotional intelligence is very important to increase the productivity of human resources. In addition, paying attention to employees' emotional intelligence is important to prevent the destructive effects of organizational trauma
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