Presentation of the Native Model of 4th Generation of Entrepreneurship University of Tehran Azad University
This study aimed to provide a native model of the fourth generation of entrepreneurship university of Tehran Azad University in a qualitative method of basic theory. Using a qualitative design, the researcher has identified the components of the native model of the fourth generation of the University of Entrepreneurship, which, while reviewing the literature and studying global experiences in this regard, has identified the elements of the model.
This is to discover the indigenous elements of the fourth generation of entrepreneurship university. In the following, the native model of the fourth generation of entrepreneurship university has been designed based on the opinions obtained from experts. The statistical population includes all library texts and experts on the subject of fourth generation entrepreneurship universities, which were selected by snowball method and theoretical saturation law, 18 people. The research tool included a semi-organized interview form. Theoretical coding was used to analyze the data obtained from the interviews.
The present shows that the indigenous model of the fourth generation university is development entrepreneurship, new valuation, formulating a common vision and strengthening strategic thinking, learning in practice, problem-solving learning, adapting the ability of graduates to the labor market, Support for teamwork, research-oriented spirit, empowerment between theoretical knowledge and application were emphasized.
Fourth generation universities are universities with educational, research, entrepreneurship and soft technology based missions.