Effect of Some Plant Growth Regulators and Methods for Inducing Bulblet Formation in Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis L.)
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) is one of the most popular ornamental bulbous plants in Iran and the world. The commercial propagation of hyacinth is done with vegetative methods and using bulbs. Due to the low ability of hyacinth to produce bulblets, the growth rate of this plant is low. For this reason, the present study was designed and conducted to investigate the possibility of improving the propagation rate of hyacinth. The experiment was performed as factorial in a compactly randomized design with two factors including Inducing method of bulblet formation (scooping and scoring) and plant growth regulators (50 and 100 mg L-1 IBA, GA, or Kin). Distilled water, ethanol and sodium hydroxide were used as control. The results showed that the highest number of bulblets per bulb (14.29) was obtained in the scooping treatment. However, the highest bulblet diameter (2.05 cm), the highest bulblet height (2.75 cm) and the maximum bulblet weight (4.95 g) were obtained in the scoring treatment. As well as, the use of plant growth regulators led to a significant increase in bulb diameter, height and weight, number of roots and root weight. On the other hand, the use of plant growth regulators significantly reduced the number of bulbs produced per bulb.