Evaluating the Performance of Urban Management With Emphasis on Indicators of Good Governance Case Study: Ahvaz city
The growing trend of population and urbanization and the emergence of numerous economic, social and environmental problems on the one hand and inefficient methods of management and control of urban development, to solve these problems and bottlenecks on the other hand, has created unhealthy cities. Undoubtedly, one of the main causes of such disorders and instabilities is managerial challenges.In Iran, urban management has been influenced by the government for reasons such as centralism, exogenousness of urban programs and plans, rent economy and oil-based, and has constantly moved away from systematic and integrated management and turned to sectoral management, as well as the urbanization process. And the issues that arise from it are backward and trapped in top-down views and attitudes. This procedure exists in all organizations and urban management departments of the country's cities, and Ahvaz Municipality is no exception to this rule. This study aims to comprehensively review the background and views of researchers who have worked in this field, to assess the level of satisfaction of Ahvaz citizens with the performance of urban management in Ahvaz municipality based on indicators of good urban governance to determine the role Recognize the performance of city managers in a scientific way on citizen satisfaction. Therefore, the research question is: What are the most important governance indicators affecting the performance of urban management in Ahvaz? What is the role of governance indicators on managers' performance satisfaction?
This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method is in the category of descriptive-analytical research. Data collection in this study is documentary and field studies and the data collection tool is a questionnaire. Research indicators are counted from theoretical foundations and studies. The statistical population included the citizens of Ahvaz. According to the latest census, the statistical population is 1184788 people, which is considered as a sample size using the Cochran's formula and a simple random method of 384 people. To assess the validity of the extracted indicators, face validity was used. For this purpose, a questionnaire in which the research indicators were designed was provided to 30 participants. For reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha test was used. The test results obtained with a coefficient of 0.763 indicate the reliability and reliability of the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data and answer the research question, SPSS software and structural equation method and pls model were used.
The reliability of the indicators, convergent validity and divergent validity were used to measure the fit of the measurement model. Cronbach's alpha values for all indices are greater than 0.7 and indicate acceptable reliability. Combined reliability criterion is another evaluation criterion for determining the reliability of structures in the partial least squares method. Given that a value above 0.7 is acceptable for this criterion, it can be concluded that the value of all indicators is acceptable and the proper fit of the measurement models is confirmed. Regarding the indicators of the present study, the values of divergent validity criteria in the first row of the column of each index are higher than other values obtained for the same index and the mean value of variance extracted for the index is above 0.5 and is acceptable. Therefore, divergent validity of indicators is also acceptable. In the present study, the coefficient of determination (R2) has been used to evaluate the structural model. The coefficient of determination for the indicators of consensus, efficiency, participation, justice, equality and transparency has been obtained with 0.577, 0.342, 0.538, 0.707, 0.677. This means that 0.577 percent of the changes in consensus and 0.342 percent of the changes in efficiency and 0.5388 of participation and 0.707 of justice and equality and finally 0.677 of transparency by other components of the model Structurally defined. This index is not calculated for exogenous components (in this study, the index of accountability and legality). The study of path coefficients shows that among the obtained coefficients, the effect of efficiency and effectiveness on governance with the coefficient of 0.839 has the highest score and indicates that it has the highest impact on the formation of governance. The orbital law index with a coefficient of 0.791 is in second place in terms of influencing the formation of governance. Participation with a coefficient of 0.770 of the third degree has the effect on the formation of governance and consensus index with 0.728, accountability index with 0.696, accountability index with 0.678, transparency index with 0.637 And the index of justice and equality with 0.604 have an effect on the occupation of governance, respectively. Finally, good governance with a coefficient of 0.745 will affect the performance of city managers.
The performance of urban management and its application in the level of management satisfaction can be evaluated by measuring the indicators of good urban governance such as participation, transparency, responsibility, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, rule of law, justice and equality, consensus. Achieving these principles can be used as a communication mechanism between citizens and managers and the organization's appropriate response to citizens and clients and ultimately satisfaction with the performance of city managers. Therefore, it can be said that one of the important components in improving the performance of urban management is to achieve citizen satisfaction.The results of the study of path coefficients show that among the obtained coefficients, the effect of efficiency and effectiveness on governance with the coefficient of 0.839 has the highest score and indicates that it has the highest impact on the formation of governance.