A Survey of the Relationship Between Employee Job Satisfaction and Management Style of the Hospital Managers at Isfahan Medical University Hospitals in 2003

Employee job satisfaction is one of the most important factors contributing to the development of organizational effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and commitment which, in turn, are affected by the management and leadership style of mangers.The objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between management style of mangers and employee job satisfaction at Isfahan Medical University Hospitals (IMUHs).This is a descriptive and cross-sectional research study. The study population includes all the employees and managers of IMUHs (6405 persons). Employing a classified random sampling, the data was collected through the distribution of two questionnaires (leadership style and employees job satisfaction questionnaires) among the 814 employees: first line, middle and senior managers of the hospitals. The management style of managers at all levels (first line, middle and senior managers) was found to be a participative management one. The mean of employee's job satisfaction was 3.21±0.53 from 6 credit (medium scale).There was a statistical relationship between manager's management style and employees job satisfaction (p=0.00). The employee job satisfaction depends upon the management style of managers. However, the application of the participative management style depends on the organizational maturity level of employees and the education level of managers in order to apply this management style.
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume:4 Issue: 12, 2005
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Mosadeghrad، Ali Mohammad
    Mosadeghrad, Ali Mohammad
    (1390) دکتری سیاستگذاری و مدیریت سلامت، دانشگاه لندن، انگلستان
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