Investigation of the effect cultured operation time on the power scopes Haloxylon persicum (Case study: Varamin-Abardezh)
Reforestation in arid and semi-arid region of Iran started in 1959, regarding rehabilitation of desert region. These activities developed due to success of reforestation. Parallel to the development of planted seedlings in the areas, drought in the leaves and branches was appeared. This research aimed to identify the best pruning time in order to prevent regeneration and shooting and lead to an optimal density of Haloxylon persicum in Abardezh, Varamin, Tehran province. Random systematic method was used to select seven transects of 8700 m length with 250 m distance. Total numbers of 210 trees (30 trees on each transect) were selected. A period of seven months (treatment) starting from February 2011 to August 2011 were used for pruning. The height and diameter of all samples were measured before cutting. Then they were examined again after four months and the existence of new shoots were recorded. The result of Chi- squared test showed statistically significant difference in treatments at 95% confidence interval. The Dunnett test further showed no significant difference between treatment of July and August. They were categorized in one group; the remaining treatments of February, March, April, May and June were grouped in second category. Study results imply that the best time for pruning of H. persicum in study is July and August.
Carbon dynamics and nutrients in different decay stages of coarse woody debris in natural Hyrcanian forests, Northern Iran
Afsaneh Khalili, *, Khosro Sagheb Talebi, Seyed Mohammad Hodjati
Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, Spring 2024 -
Structural diversity of mosaics of developmental stages in the managed mixed forest of oriental beech (case study: Ramsar 30 watershed)
Seyed Bagher Mirahmadi, *, Sasan Babaei Kafaki, Reza Akhavan
Journal of Forest Research and Development,