Relationship between Management Profit Forecasting Error and Adjustment of Profit Forecast with Corporate Accruals
Net profit and its adjustments are among the most valuable information used by investors. This study seeks to answer the question whether company conditions (ambiguity or inability to understand economic information) affect the relationship between forecasting error and adjustment of profit forecasting by management or not? For this purpose, first, the relationship between accruals (abnormal) and error and adjustment of profit forecast, test and then the effect of ambiguity and inability to understand economic information on the above relationship is examined. The research sample includes 91 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. Findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between working capital accruals and abnormal working capital accruals with management forecast error, but there is a negative relationship between working capital accruals and abnormal working capital accruals wThere is significance. Also, conditions of ambiguity did not affect this relationship, but the inability to understand economic information strengthens this relationship.ith negative forecast and adjustment.
Dissecting stock price momentum using financial statement analysis of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Ahmad Khoddamipour *,
Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysis,