A Comparative Study of the Ashura-oriented Poems of Elahi Kermanshahi and Abbasqoli Yahyavi Ardabili from Epic Perspective
The Ashura episode is replete with various kinds of steadfastness as practised and led by Imam al-Husayn and his companions, hence the epic aspect of the whole event has been shown much more than its other aspects. The present paper attempts to provide a comparison of the Ashura-oriented poems of Elahi Kermanshahi and Abbasqoli Yahyavi Ardabili. They portray various religio-ritual and epic values highlighted therein. Such values pertain to steadfastness, sacrifice, resistance, challenges, and fighting oppression. Composed in Persian and Turkish, they embody educative values and standards, too.
Comparing Nimas "Legend" and Shahriars "Two Birds of Paradise" Based on Harold Bloom's Theory of Affective Anxiety
Hossein Pashaei Moradloo, *, Asghar Salahi
Journal of Persian Language Studies, -
Prime, a trans-array approach
Shahabadinn Vatan Doust Bakdilou, Shokroallah Pouralkhas *, , Bijan Zahiri Nav
Journal of Persian Language Studies,