Study of Integrative Patterns and Importance of Religious Education and Experimental Sciences Curriculum
This study aims to investigate the patterns and importance of integrating the curriculum of religious course with experimental sciences course. This research was conducted through a qualitative and grounded theory approach. In this method after interviewing with designers, specialists in curriculum planning and theology, and teachers with master and Ph.D degrees, the data were systematically designed by using data analysis steps through open, axial and selective coding. The participants were selected by purposive sampling technique to reach the theoretical saturation point. The research data were collected by using semi-structured interviews. The results of the coding were collected in four categories: 1) The positive effects of integration the curriculum of religious course with the experimental sciences course, 2) The hardware and software facilities required for integration, 3) The teacher's expertise in the field of integration, and 4) Holding subject knowledge enhancement courses.
Phenomenology of combining the curriculum of religious education with the course of experimental sciences
*, Hasan Malaki, Mostafa Ghaderi
Journal of New Approach to Children's Education,