Relief Rendering and Humanitarian Assistance in Man-Made Disasters (Case Study: Afghanistan)
Since man-made accidents, whether accidental or intentional, lead to disasters such as human and environmental accidents. It may cause irreparable damage to the fundamental rights of human beings, which the most important include the right to life, the right to water, the right to food, the right to shelter and etc. The republic of Afghanistan is an explicit example. For the reason that since the last decades, this country had faced with political, security and human crisis, because of the competition for taking political position by the heads of state, excessive demands by neighboring countries as well as various interests of great powers. And so on, the fundamental human rights have been violated, such as the fundamental principles that are emphasized within the international rules, particularly International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent. It is the principle of humanity, based on which all human beings have the rights, just because they are human and this oblige states to observe it.
This article is of a theoretical type, the research method is descriptive and analytical and the method of collecting information is library and it was done by referring to documents, books and articles.
Ethical Considerations:
In all stages of writing the current article, while respecting the originality of the texts, honesty and trustworthiness have been observed.
Examining the legal situation of Afghanistan from the point of view that this situation is one of man-made accidents and providing long-term and short-term solutions to comply with international rules by the Afghan authorities in order to provide relief and help to the people affected in this category of accidents. In this way, to provide aid to the affected people in a legal and principled way through international organizations and even non-governmental organizations.
In order for the Afghan authorities to comply with international rules, we should consider two solutions: a short-term solution means that if the Taliban group complies with the minimum human rights rules and there is real documentation and under the supervision of an international observer, this If the matter is confirmed, it can be recognized as a contract and in this way, assistance can be provided to the affected people in a legal and principled way through international organizations and even non-governmental organizations and a long-term legal solution, which includes: intervention Humanitarian as long as the territorial integrity of the country of Afghanistan is preserved and does not cause more governments to intervene in the worsening of the situation. In this article, we intend to state the theoretical foundations of this category of man-made incidents in the case of Afghanistan, in line with international documents and describe the obstacles and limitations of providing relief and humanitarian assistance to that country and provide solutions to remove the existing obstacles.